LOTE Resources

· Check out Inspired Proficiency Podcasts, the new podcasts specifically for and by language teachers! PBL in the TL wrote about them. All five episodes are available here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/inspired-proficiency/id1347742440?mt=2.

· National Language Resource Centers have many resources that may be helpful.

· Examples of proficiency-based curricular units (backwards designed), see the curriculum map and sample units from colleagues in New Haven Public Schools here. Are you shifting to a proficiency-based curriculum at your school? Share your experience!

· What’s your teaching mindset? Do you cultivate a culture of Growth Mindset for your students?


Growth Mindset

Methodology, Research & Technology

  • There has been a significant shift in mindset along with the arrival of communicative language teaching. Previous methodologies focused on what learners did wrong rather than on their progress. The goal was complete accuracy. We now know that communication can happen despite occasional inaccuracy. Where are you regarding your teaching mindset?

Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening

  • I’m always looking for ways to get students up and moving in the classroom while they are speaking and/or writing in the target language. This is an activity that I call “Hide and Speak (or write)” that accomplishes this goal and students enjoy it and often ask for it. I’m happy to oblige because they speak (or write) so much during this activity.

Moving Towards Proficiency & Cultural Competence

Resource Spotlight

Are you looking for ways for students to review vocabulary and language structures in the target language without resorting to the native language? These language puzzles will do just that. They can be used for for students who finish other activities early, as a Do Now, homework, or even substitute lesson plans.