Special Education

The Special Education Department assists schools in complying with mandated federal regulations including Annual Reviews, Related Services, and Flexible Programming. They collaborate with the QSBCO Budget and HR staff to provide support for para funding and mid-year adjustment issues. The Special Education Department addresses 311 complaints, escalations from Central, and escalations from the Superintendent offices. They work with schools to understand and implement State Education Department mandates, address mediation, and impartial hearing resolutions. An Administrator from the Special Education Department also works with schools to understand flexible programming, quality IEP writing, and transition planning. The Administrator co-facilitates the monthly Professional Learning Opportunities with the SSSL. When it comes to compliance, an Administrator provides targeted support to the QSBCO and school staff. Special Education Administrators monitors SESIS mandates, reports, and other related service data regarding the status of mandated counseling provision on a daily basis.

Department videos/tutorials

ICT planning - station teaching